Introductory notes:¶
This notebook presents cleaning functionality:
Bandpass and notch filtering
Annotating bad channels
Annotating bad data spans
Interpolating bad channels
Recommended reading:
Import data¶
Import module¶
from sleepeegpy.pipeline import CleaningPipe
import os
Initialize CleaningPipe object¶
By default, all the input files are assumed to be saved in input_files, which will be created (if not already exists) in the notebook path. Change the following strings to use another path. Changing the output directory is also optional.
from os import makedirs
output_dir = "output_folder" # Output path and name can be changed here
input_dir = "input_files" # input files dir can be changed here
makedirs(input_dir, exist_ok=True)
makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
Add required files¶
Put all your files in the input folder.
Modify your eeg file name below. The file can be any format supported by the mne.read_raw() function.
For more information about the supported formats, see mne documentation
eeg_file_name= "resampled_raw.fif" # add your eeg_path here
path_to_eeg = os.path.join(input_dir,eeg_file_name)
pipe = CleaningPipe(
Resampling might be a long process (1+ hour), be patient. If you have enough RAM to load the signal, you may want to run pipe.mne_raw.load_data()
before resampling. This will considerably speed up the process.
sfreq=250, # Desired new sampling frequency
n_jobs=-1, # The number of jobs to run in parallel. If -1, it is set to the number of CPU cores.
l_freq=0.3, # Lower pass-band edge in Hz.
h_freq=None, # Upper pass-band edge in Hz.
freqs="50s", # Remove 50 Hz and its harmonics.
Select bad channels & annotate bad epochs¶
Create average reference projection. You can apply and remove the projection from inside the plot. Does not have an effect on the raw signal itself if projection=True
pipe.set_eeg_reference(ref_channels="average", projection=True)
Select bad channels¶
save_bad_channels=True, # Whether to save selected bad channels in a file
save_annotations=False, # Whether to save annotations in a file.
# Whether to overwrite already saved bad_channels.txt or annotations.txt,
# if set to False and there is already bad_channels.txt, new bad channels will be added to it.
path = None
Another option is to use auto-detection of bad_channels (based on pyprep library). This method generates a bad channel text file and returns the path.
To use it, uncomment the relevant line and run
### uncomment to find bad channels automatically ###
# path = pipe.auto_detect_bad_channels()
If you want to continue with previously saved bad channels, use pipe.read_bad_channels()
. The function will import the channels from the bad_channels.txt file.
Alternatively, if you already have another bad channels file, add your path
# Path to the txt file with bad channel name per row.
# If None, will try to import '{output_dir}/CleaningPipe/bad_channels.txt'
Interpolate bad channels¶
Interpolate bad channels using spherical spline interpolation. Can be run from each analysis pipe.
reset_bads=True # Whether to set interpolated channels back as normal.
Select bad epochs¶
save_bad_channels=False, # Whether to save selected bad channels in a file
save_annotations=True, # Whether to save annotations in a file.
# Whether to overwrite already saved bad_channels.txt or annotations.txt,
# if set to False and there is already bad_channels.txt, new bad channels will be added.
If you want to continue with previously saved annotations, use pipe.read_annotations()
. The function will import the annotations from the annotations.txt file.
Alternatively, if you already another annotations.txt file, you can add your path
# Path to txt file with mne-style annotations.
# If None, will try to import '{output_dir}/annotations.txt'
Another option is to use an auto set of annotations or use an existing file. This method detects and sets annotations.
To use it, uncomment the relevant line and run
# pipe.auto_set_annotations()
Save cleaned and annotated signal to the file¶
pipe.save_raw("cleaned_raw.fif", overwrite=True)
Additional functions¶
pipe.sf, pipe.bad_data_percent
_ = pipe.plot_sensors()