Spectral analyses

Introductory notes:

This notebook presents spectral analyses functionality:

  • Power spectral density (PSD) per sleep stage

  • Spectrogram & hypnogram

  • Topomaps for the spectra per sleep stage

  • Spectral parametrization with FOOOF

  • Additional results such as sleep statistics.

Recommended watching and reading:

  1. Mike X Cohen: Static spectral analysis

  2. MNE: The Spectrum and EpochsSpectrum classes: frequency-domain data

  3. FOOOF: Tutorials

  4. MNE: SpectrumArray class

Import data

Import module

from sleepeegpy.pipeline import SpectralPipe
from os import makedirs,path
import mne

By default, all the input files are assumed to be saved in input_files, which will be created (if not already exists) in the notebook path. Change the following string to use another path

output_dir  = "output_folder" # Output path and name can be changed here
input_dir = "input_files" # input files dir can be changed here
makedirs(input_dir, exist_ok=True)
makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)

Add required files

  • Put all your files in the input folder.

  • Modify your eeg file name below. The file can be any format supported by the mne.read_raw() function.

  • Modify your hypnogram file name (Point-per-row type of hypnogram) below.

  • If needed, change Hypnogram’s sampling frequency

  • For more information about the supported formats, see mne documentation

eeg_file_name= "cleaned_raw.fif" # add your eeg_path here
hypnogram_filename = "staging.txt" # Point-per-row type of hypnogram.
hypno_freq = 1 # If required, change Hypnogram's sampling frequency (visbrain's hypnograms default to 1)

Initialize SpectralPipe object

path_to_eeg = path.join(input_dir,eeg_file_name)
hypnogram_path = path.join(input_dir,hypnogram_filename)
assert path.isfile(path_to_eeg) and path.isfile(hypnogram_path), f"{path_to_eeg} or {hypnogram_path} not exist"

spectral_pipe = SpectralPipe(
Hypnogram is SHORTER than data by 0.43 seconds. Padding hypnogram with last value to match data.size.

Compute PSD

    # A dict describing stages and their indices in the hypnogram file.
    sleep_stages={"Wake": 0, "N1": 1, "N2": 2, "N3": 3, "REM": 4},
    # Rereferencing to apply. Can be list of str channels or "average".
    # If None, will not change the reference.
    fmin=0,  # Lower frequency bound.
    fmax=60,  # Upper frequency bound.
    picks="eeg",  # Channels to compute the PSD for.
    reject_by_annotation=True,  # Whether to reject epochs annotated as BAD.
    save=True,  # Whether to save the PSD hdf5 file for each sleep stage.
    overwrite=True,  # Whether to overwrite hdf5 files if there are any.
    # Additional arguments passed to the PSD computing method, i.e., welch or multitaper:
array([[1.20544608e-10, 9.13856487e-10, 4.32137885e-10, ...,
        2.00851069e-14, 2.02085506e-14, 1.96803265e-14],
       [9.16359851e-11, 6.92785547e-10, 3.43649234e-10, ...,
        1.07580601e-14, 1.03970152e-14, 1.02861636e-14],
       [4.65226376e-11, 3.45777189e-10, 1.85735238e-10, ...,
        1.18917446e-14, 1.20680226e-14, 1.20086151e-14],
       [2.18358859e-11, 1.40802821e-10, 8.09673291e-11, ...,
        1.62120327e-14, 1.51799036e-14, 1.53065000e-14],
       [9.57268940e-12, 6.17214444e-11, 3.82661443e-11, ...,
        1.17953057e-14, 1.11716153e-14, 1.09855943e-14],
       [1.02225625e-11, 6.66994068e-11, 5.10107331e-11, ...,
        3.09470840e-14, 3.19075520e-14, 3.06672304e-14]])
freq E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 ... E248 E249 E250 E251 E252 E253 E254 E255 E256 VREF
0 0.000000 1.205446e-10 9.163599e-11 4.652264e-11 2.361730e-11 1.874374e-11 1.450813e-11 2.218452e-11 1.122231e-11 9.538333e-12 ... 1.817369e-10 6.496992e-11 2.793785e-11 2.312580e-11 2.281494e-10 6.776294e-11 4.518227e-11 2.183589e-11 9.572689e-12 1.022256e-11
1 0.244141 9.138565e-10 6.927855e-10 3.457772e-10 1.662492e-10 1.119225e-10 8.076044e-11 9.857186e-11 6.725583e-11 5.687559e-11 ... 1.323533e-09 4.610354e-10 1.892631e-10 1.584058e-10 1.669154e-09 5.028152e-10 3.291209e-10 1.408028e-10 6.172144e-11 6.669941e-11
2 0.488281 4.321379e-10 3.436492e-10 1.857352e-10 1.034098e-10 7.332040e-11 5.620539e-11 5.915940e-11 5.096347e-11 4.554884e-11 ... 6.524901e-10 2.370033e-10 1.048493e-10 8.556182e-11 8.178159e-10 2.516436e-10 1.669304e-10 8.096733e-11 3.826614e-11 5.101073e-11
3 0.732422 1.305058e-10 1.122229e-10 6.907628e-11 4.777266e-11 3.865387e-11 3.290459e-11 3.159175e-11 3.215459e-11 2.766479e-11 ... 2.076041e-10 8.276927e-11 4.225638e-11 3.487731e-11 2.510315e-10 8.321513e-11 6.082972e-11 3.462790e-11 1.804304e-11 3.009207e-11
4 0.976562 5.479270e-11 4.879642e-11 3.398966e-11 2.742932e-11 2.447354e-11 2.202644e-11 2.154214e-11 2.232954e-11 1.853072e-11 ... 8.822444e-11 3.922727e-11 2.295007e-11 2.046545e-11 1.020850e-10 3.707458e-11 2.900152e-11 1.940715e-11 1.125545e-11 1.945493e-11
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
241 58.837891 2.052002e-14 1.080107e-14 1.185645e-14 9.236874e-15 9.386774e-15 9.163107e-15 1.086743e-14 1.460974e-14 1.055531e-14 ... 2.084268e-14 2.363470e-14 1.887338e-14 2.243271e-14 1.669183e-14 1.151799e-14 1.420598e-14 1.654172e-14 1.119376e-14 3.135501e-14
242 59.082031 2.008716e-14 1.057612e-14 1.171000e-14 9.409765e-15 8.857569e-15 9.199416e-15 1.060803e-14 1.466554e-14 9.855808e-15 ... 2.169877e-14 2.232925e-14 1.901087e-14 2.242874e-14 1.711121e-14 1.185718e-14 1.410618e-14 1.592892e-14 1.118600e-14 2.988033e-14
243 59.326172 2.008511e-14 1.075806e-14 1.189174e-14 9.523270e-15 8.751198e-15 9.190660e-15 1.006159e-14 1.388243e-14 9.746180e-15 ... 2.054704e-14 2.285352e-14 1.953269e-14 2.312350e-14 1.555995e-14 1.160546e-14 1.403677e-14 1.621203e-14 1.179531e-14 3.094708e-14
244 59.570312 2.020855e-14 1.039702e-14 1.206802e-14 9.175959e-15 8.892312e-15 8.748358e-15 1.008715e-14 1.370326e-14 9.504832e-15 ... 2.022414e-14 2.315599e-14 1.872794e-14 2.186576e-14 1.540562e-14 1.114618e-14 1.346594e-14 1.517990e-14 1.117162e-14 3.190755e-14
245 59.814453 1.968033e-14 1.028616e-14 1.200862e-14 9.139879e-15 8.727308e-15 8.709531e-15 1.034216e-14 1.343112e-14 9.215188e-15 ... 2.012729e-14 2.342522e-14 1.859850e-14 2.136766e-14 1.595666e-14 1.116042e-14 1.342614e-14 1.530650e-14 1.098559e-14 3.066723e-14

246 rows × 258 columns



    psd_range=(-20, 30),  # Y axis limits
    freq_range=(0, 40),  # X axis limits
    xscale="linear",  # Matplotlib xscale. Can be {"linear", "log", "symlog", "logit", ...} or ScaleBase
    plot_sensors=True,  # Whether to plot EEG sensors showing which channels were used to compute PSD.
    save=True,  # Whether to save the plot as a png file.
_ = spectral_pipe.psds["N2"].plot(picks="data", exclude="bads", show=False)

Hypnogram & spectrogram

    picks=["E101"],  # Channel[s] to compute the spectrogram on.
    win_sec=10,  # The length of the sliding window, in seconds, used for multitaper PSD computation.
    freq_range=(0, 40),  # Y axis limits
    cmap="Spectral_r",  # Matplotlib colormap as in https://matplotlib.org/stable/tutorials/colors/colormaps.html
    overlap=True,  # Whether to plot hypnogram over spectrogram (True) or on top of it (False)
    save=True,  # Whether to save the plot as a file.


Plots a topomap for a single sleep stage and frequency band

    stage="N2",  # Stage to plot topomap for.
    band={"SMR": (12.5, 15)},  # Band to plot topomap for.
    # Should contain at least index of the provided "stage".
    dB=False,  # Whether to transform PSD to dB/Hz
    axis=None,  # Whether to plot on provided matplotlib axis.
    save=True,  # Whether to save the plot as a file.
    topomap_args=dict(cmap="plasma"),  # Arguments passed to mne.viz.plot_topomap().
    cbar_args=None,  # Arguments passed to plt.colorbar().

Topomap collage

Plot topomaps for multiple bands and sleep stages

    #  Bands to plot topomaps for.
    bands = {'Delta': (0, 4), 'Theta': (4, 8),
            'Alpha': (8, 12.5), 'SMR': (12.5, 15), 
            'Beta': (12.5, 30), 'Gamma': (30, 60)},
    # Tuple of strs or "all", e.g., ("N1", "REM") or "all" (plots all "sleep_stages").
    dB=False,  # Whether to transform PSD to dB/Hz.
    low_percentile=5,  # Set min color value by percentile of the band data.
    high_percentile=95,  # Set max color value by percentile of the band data.
    fig=None,  # Instance of plt.Figure, a new fig will be created if None.
    save=True,  # Whether to save the plot as a file.
    topomap_args=dict(cmap='plasma'),  # Arguments passed to mne.viz.plot_topomap().
    cbar_args=None,  # Arguments passed to plt.colorbar().

Parametrize spectrum

    picks=['eeg'],  # Channels to use.
    freq_range=[0.5, 60],  # Range of frequencies to parametrize.
    # Whether to average psds over channels.
    # If False or multiple channels are provided, the FOOOFGroup will be used.
    # Defaults to False.
Running FOOOFGroup across 257 power spectra.
                                       FOOOF - GROUP RESULTS                                      
                            Number of power spectra in the Group: 257                             
                        The model was run on the frequency range 0 - 60 Hz                        
                                 Frequency Resolution is 0.24 Hz                                  
                              Power spectra were fit without a knee.                              
                                      Aperiodic Fit Values:                                       
                        Exponents - Min:  1.583, Max:  2.533, Mean: 2.158                         
                         In total 618 peaks were extracted from the group                         
                                     Goodness of fit metrics:                                     
                            R2s -  Min:  0.938, Max:  0.980, Mean: 0.969                          
                         Errors -  Min:  0.047, Max:  0.111, Mean: 0.069                          

Sleep Stats

{'TIB': 399.0405333333333,
 'SPT': 376.5,
 'WASO': 1.0,
 'TST': 375.5,
 'N1': 6.0,
 'N2': 109.5,
 'N3': 191.0,
 'REM': 69.0,
 'NREM': 306.5,
 'SOL': 22.0,
 'Lat_N1': 22.0,
 'Lat_N2': 27.5,
 'Lat_N3': 41.0,
 'Lat_REM': 183.0,
 '%N1': 1.5978695073235685,
 '%N2': 29.161118508655125,
 '%N3': 50.865512649800266,
 '%REM': 18.37549933422104,
 '%NREM': 81.62450066577897,
 'SE': 94.10071625138166,
 'SME': 99.734395750332}