Slow waves analysis

Introductory notes:

This notebook presents slow waves detection functionality.

Recommended reading:

  1. YASA: FAQ

  2. YASA: Slow-waves detection

  3. YASA: Multi-channel slow-wave detection

  4. YASA: SWResults class

  5. MNE: Time-frequency analysis: power and inter-trial coherence

  6. MNE: AverageTFR class

Import module

from sleepeegpy.pipeline import SlowWavesPipe
from joblib import parallel_backend; parallel_backend("loky", n_jobs=-1)
from os import makedirs,path

Slow waves detection

If you wish to change the path for output_dir ot input dir, change it below. If no such folders, they will be created automatically.

output_dir  = "output_folder" # Output path and name can be changed here
input_dir = "input_files" # input files dir can be changed here
makedirs(input_dir, exist_ok=True)
makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)

Add required files and data

  • Put all your files in the input folder.

  • Modify your eeg file name below. The file can be any format supported by the mne.read_raw() function.

  • Modify your hypnogram file name below

  • Make sure the hypno_freq is the right frequency.

  • For more information about the supported formats, see mne documentation

eeg_file_name= "resampled_raw.fif" #None # add your eeg_path here
hypnogram_filename = "staging.txt" # Hypnogram filename can be changed here (file must be in the input dir)
hypno_freq = 1
path_to_eeg = path.join(input_dir,eeg_file_name)
hypnogram_path = path.join(input_dir,hypnogram_filename)

assert path.isfile(path_to_eeg) and path.isfile(hypnogram_path), f"{path_to_eeg} or {hypnogram_path} not exist"
slow_waves_pipe = SlowWavesPipe(

Please refer to the YASA’s documentation for details about the arguments.

    include=(2, 3),
    freq_sw=(0.3, 1.5),
    dur_neg=(0.3, 1.5),
    dur_pos=(0.1, 1),
    amp_neg=(40, 200),
    amp_pos=(10, 150),
    amp_ptp=(75, 350),
    coupling_params={"freq_sp": (12, 16), "p": 0.05, "time": 1},

Please refer to the YASA’s documentation for details about the arguments.

    grp_chan=False, grp_stage=True, mask=None, aggfunc="mean", sort=True
Count Density Duration ValNegPeak ValPosPeak PTP Slope Frequency
2 7617 69.561644 1.278879 -68.369328 39.043891 107.413219 364.222711 0.826626
3 132955 696.099476 1.259195 -61.891508 46.102154 107.993663 379.508453 0.843116
    filt=(None, None),
    prop="Slope",  #  Any of the event properties returned by pipe.results.summary().
    stage="N3",  # Stage to plot the topomap for.
    aggfunc="mean",  # Aggregation function for channel grouping.
    # Should contain at least index of the provided "stage".
    sleep_stages={"Wake": 0, "N1": 1, "N2": 2, "N3": 3, "REM": 4},
    axis=None,  # Whether to plot on provided matplotlib axis.
    save=True,  # Whether to save the plot as a file.
    topomap_args=dict(cmap="plasma"),  # Arguments passed to mne.viz.plot_topomap().
    cbar_args=None,  # Arguments passed to plt.colorbar().
    # Some of the event properties returned by pipe.results.summary().
    props=["Slope", "Frequency", "Duration"],
    aggfunc="mean",  # Aggregation function for channel grouping.
    # Tuple of strs or "all", e.g., ("N1", "REM") or "all" (plots all "sleep_stages").
    # Should contain at least indices of the provided "stages_to_plot".
    sleep_stages={"N2": 2, "N3": 3},
    low_percentile=5,  # Set min color value by percentile of the property data.
    high_percentile=95,  # Set max color value by percentile of the property data.
    fig=None,  # Instance of plt.Figure, a new fig will be created if None.
    save=True,  # Whether to save the plot as a file.
    topomap_args=dict(cmap="plasma"),  # Arguments passed to mne.viz.plot_topomap().
    cbar_args=None,  # Arguments passed to plt.colorbar().

Constructs MNE AverageTFR object for every available sleep stage.

    freqs=(0.5, 5),  # Interval of frequencies of interest.
    n_freqs=100,  # TFR frequency resolution.
    time_before=4,  # Time in sec before the peak to use in TFR computation. Should be positive.
    time_after=4,  # Time in sec after the peak to use in TFR computation.
    method="morlet",  # TFR method: 'morlet' or 'multitaper'.
    save=True,  # Whether to save AverageTFR object per sleep stage as hdf5 file.
    overwrite=False,  # Whether to overwrite existing files.

array([[[  8327.17479164,   8409.2589031 ,   8491.94287836, ...,
          35404.27956195,  35156.87008082,  34909.20265543],
        [  7357.64827015,   7427.39297607,   7497.53071526, ...,
          32679.58351747,  32432.94438208,  32185.96662475],
        [  6789.54824771,   6851.55713286,   6913.75284223, ...,
          30179.76435424,  29936.52542406,  29692.83521332],
        [  1834.03019877,   1935.24222045,   2029.3149276 , ...,
           3261.51799011,   3115.19503396,   2958.17948907],
        [  1820.85763462,   1922.53721692,   2017.05615833, ...,
           3222.94326212,   3078.62157465,   2923.30844848],
        [  1807.65889687,   1909.77336246,   2004.70576662, ...,
           3185.54221483,   3043.18328126,   2889.52841916]],

       [[ 24202.70709394,  24399.36885866,  24596.37251036, ...,
          50321.90782328,  50012.82627733,  49704.93615338],
        [ 21941.35811797,  22131.20507941,  22321.34274969, ...,
          45206.75603714,  44972.73750474,  44737.82447029],
        [ 20052.5683526 ,  20235.04179837,  20417.70653509, ...,
          42754.83530837,  42547.33256612,  42337.70483019],
        [  3076.1995954 ,   3245.84839231,   3403.73167424, ...,
          10914.43734397,  10556.45743771,  10139.35496579],
        [  3046.19127634,   3215.58111149,   3373.08330497, ...,
          10835.8834987 ,  10479.03312913,  10062.17947254],
        [  3016.61125371,   3185.72982941,   3342.83910822, ...,
          10759.12660556,  10403.32874813,   9986.65345322]],

       [[ 48924.7366686 ,  49281.10276281,  49637.32226658, ...,
          40574.02163778,  40256.65218088,  39940.00958972],
        [ 47042.29060578,  47419.70526406,  47797.03368464, ...,
          38290.15641005,  37977.73657016,  37665.8410899 ],
        [ 44957.32094384,  45349.79908158,  45742.22838007, ...,
          36427.87788557,  36119.85345711,  35812.08736637],
        [  5874.68940676,   6176.47893549,   6453.16389365, ...,
           7802.31844175,   7482.01862967,   7129.22735957],
        [  5815.30501194,   6115.90548438,   6391.04252326, ...,
           7735.75185703,   7416.73925872,   7064.74148881],
        [  5757.17504887,   6056.59924955,   6330.1970061 , ...,
           7670.56978213,   7352.79980252,   7001.55515724]],


       [[212463.81305674, 214330.53920922, 216200.68345839, ...,
          15592.67542713,  15466.71713248,  15341.09101363],
        [191847.65471159, 193701.6256034 , 195558.98736755, ...,
          14562.53905114,  14436.90294889,  14311.58542851],
        [173764.242466  , 175610.29798594, 177460.02617483, ...,
          13497.7072435 ,  13375.70993021,  13253.95503643],
        [   847.80554906,    934.57501376,   1024.47681551, ...,
           2516.61441189,   2415.20464505,   2302.9901165 ],
        [   835.00602192,    921.06989357,   1010.21142621, ...,
           2499.15805896,   2397.76049177,   2285.42633425],
        [   822.6687356 ,    908.06872332,    996.49678034, ...,
           2482.02728778,   2380.63265684,   2268.17086542]],

       [[ 23333.86341839,  23559.75854409,  23786.63726005, ...,
          74169.5718502 ,  73468.38420988,  72771.47623374],
        [ 21198.44161844,  21418.48629798,  21639.37317076, ...,
          60959.03009258,  60388.08970484,  59820.14305386],
        [ 19508.72849453,  19730.75509355,  19953.69479155, ...,
          52158.94378936,  51682.57614576,  51207.90570914],
        [   370.24572352,    396.52279059,    422.62877086, ...,
           6581.65070227,   6320.38823547,   6028.12738544],
        [   364.40186778,    390.43376489,    416.29501029, ...,
           6544.21505587,   6281.61371272,   5987.78032403],
        [   358.6772902 ,    384.46216964,    410.07696502, ...,
           6506.79421422,   6242.90653825,   5947.55462629]],

       [[ 23821.18640175,  23974.79598268,  24127.88324169, ...,
          23319.32984562,  23105.08667642,  22891.77737081],
        [ 21935.96057398,  22090.60243185,  22244.65297618, ...,
          21643.98303939,  21429.70183326,  21216.39936248],
        [ 20301.56597672,  20457.44786929,  20612.68963218, ...,
          20130.83182519,  19917.76686738,  19705.7175965 ],
        [  3273.21459999,   3449.8006292 ,   3612.98667568, ...,
           2918.059931  ,   2759.91549272,   2595.74680808],
        [  3257.11279328,   3434.96514868,   3599.29671109, ...,
           2894.88854751,   2736.80666647,   2572.65028848],
        [  3240.98195676,   3420.07599166,   3585.53045437, ...,
           2871.97332293,   2713.98137549,   2549.86092398]]])
time freq E1 E10 E100 E101 E102 E103 E104 E105 ... E91 E92 E93 E94 E95 E96 E97 E98 E99 VREF
0 -4.000 0.5 8327.174792 24202.707094 48924.736669 39136.709413 16565.769149 21032.257004 16297.561439 14364.987680 ... 18311.186857 11788.543531 10151.399608 813004.188548 6635.561922 9187.194787 128842.213203 212463.813057 23333.863418 23821.186402
1 -3.996 0.5 8409.258903 24399.368859 49281.102763 39406.336499 16708.449758 21202.065016 16443.286671 14494.296028 ... 18444.541127 11887.000917 10243.375095 826935.307053 6700.255489 9311.619642 130066.366501 214330.539209 23559.758544 23974.795983
2 -3.992 0.5 8491.942878 24596.372510 49637.322267 39675.597990 16851.524047 21372.206949 16589.601708 14624.177349 ... 18577.913438 11985.771994 10335.765080 841068.344747 6765.308494 9437.310772 131292.465082 216200.683458 23786.637260 24127.883242
3 -3.988 0.5 8575.230882 24793.703990 49993.360119 39944.465872 16994.982900 21542.672288 16736.502345 14754.629653 ... 18711.293518 12084.854022 10428.569612 855405.572419 6830.719970 9564.273811 132520.345609 218074.077555 24014.490320 24280.428790
4 -3.984 0.5 8659.127428 24991.348688 50349.181273 40212.912122 17138.817163 21713.450432 16883.984341 14885.651000 ... 18844.671407 12184.245884 10521.787122 869949.275252 6896.489029 9692.514330 133749.841216 219950.553685 24243.307984 24432.413277
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
200095 3.984 5.0 3429.901500 11262.392110 8186.597511 9503.453968 8531.528837 6867.098126 4830.527870 2719.352112 ... 7957.036605 4867.406478 1872.140713 6163.467729 8182.874264 42196.721683 2753.857842 2645.100466 6920.765242 3162.336643
200096 3.988 5.0 3314.909209 11047.257251 7949.896955 9172.306963 8194.028659 6609.685367 4635.594985 2607.184777 ... 7734.217197 4668.399175 1808.386104 6018.772218 7918.656800 41436.814301 2675.732279 2570.668662 6734.209980 3021.996150
200097 3.992 5.0 3185.542215 10759.126606 7670.569782 8801.089724 7824.249030 6324.156979 4425.367535 2485.573841 ... 7469.392018 4450.939737 1736.459351 5839.955716 7613.461919 40400.796093 2582.723509 2482.027288 6506.794214 2871.973323
200098 3.996 5.0 3043.183281 10403.328748 7352.799803 8394.451726 7426.868327 6014.294154 4201.815750 2355.866277 ... 7166.566486 4217.945319 1657.303549 5629.285089 7272.190910 39108.043828 2476.376797 2380.632657 6242.906538 2713.981375
200099 4.000 5.0 2889.528419 9986.653453 7001.555157 7957.730378 7007.049233 5684.317901 3967.230976 2219.598580 ... 6830.508999 3972.575648 1571.995078 5389.834376 6900.349854 37583.368617 2358.483433 2268.170865 5947.554626 2549.860924

200100 rows × 259 columns

No baseline correction applied
No baseline correction applied
[<Figure size 640x480 with 2 Axes>]

If you want to load saved TFR files:
